Thought Cloud

Self-care (it's not just bubble baths)

Self-care (it's not just bubble baths)

Self-care can look like .......

Physical self-care:
Drinking some water
Going for a walk or other form of exercise
Resting or sleeping
Eating a healthy meal

Practical self-care:
Getting organised
Cleaning up your living space
Learning a new skill
Planning ahead

Social self-care:
Spending time with good friends
Having a family dinner
Getting to know someone new
Being with one special person

Mental self-care:
Practicing mindfulness
Watching a good movie

Emotional self-care:
Managing stress effectively
Navigating emotions
Developing compassion for self and others
Saying no to things that deplete you

Financial self-care:
Taking responsibility for your finances
Being conscious of your spending
Planning for the future
Investing in community causes important to you

Spiritual self-care:
Being clear on your beliefs
Clarifying your values
Pursuing meaningful goals
Connecting with others on a deeper level

Environmental self-care:
Maintaining your environment
Decluttering your home or workspace
Minimising waste
Monitoring time on technology

Professional self-care:
Learning something new
Building identity capital
Maintaining professional boundaries
Sharing your strengths and gifts

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